Influencing, Motivating, Inspiring

1.Lead by example If you want to be respected by your employees, and keep them, then you need to respect them. Ooze passion. Model the behaviours that you want to see.
2.Be authentic. Being open transparent and honest sets a standard of trust. Don’t let there be a disconnect between what you say and what you do.
3.Encourage collaboration.
4.Be energetic.
5.Show appreciation.

Keller Institute talks about – Influence vs. Inspiration vs. Motivation

Consider these definitions.

InspirationSparking an emotional quickening.  It uplifts, infuses hope, gives a sense of possibility.
InfluenceExerts a specific directive force to provoke a change.  1+ makes things happen
MotivationGives someone a motivation.  Often is self centred approach.

Someone said once     Motivation gets you going.

                                    Influence is what send you in the direction.

Whilst from a leadership perspective I see the three of these traits of success, influence is by far the most integral.

In fact, in a lot of Leadership training you will see Leadership defined as influence.

Lolly Daskal – is a world-renowned executive Leadership coach.

She has compiled a list of things that will drastically increase your influence with your people.

1.Provide opportunities for wins. Create situations that will give your people a series of small wins that allows them to see their potential.
2.Believe in your staff There is no greater incentive, empowerment and support you can give a person, than looking them in the eye with sincerity and saying ‘I believe in you’.  When you believe in someone they can achieve amazing things.
3.Serve others before you serve yourself. There is a saying ‘the best use of your time is to lose yourself in others’. ‘You are what you do, not what you say’
4.Give trust so you can earn trust
5.Think bigger for others.
6.Invest in the success of others.
7.Lead in character.
8.Lift people up.
9Lead from within.
10.Allow autonomy.