Throughout the years of leadership research, leaders that wish to build teams that care, get more done and meet goals, have gathered lots of information, including “ what your team members need to hear you say?” or in some instances “ what they shouldn’t hear you say”.
Leadership is built on relationships. And relationships is built on body language and words.
- We don’t want staff to be fearful or feel controlled.
What is heard if I say “ I want you to do this like this. I want you to do this by 10am.
Not sure about you but I think straight away “ or else”
Your are the leader, the boss, so they most likely will do it, but often never to the standard they are capable of.
Fight, flight, freeze responses kick in.
Leadership is about relationships and results, but if you focus on results, you will frequently get low morale, low staff satisfaction and high turnover.
Focus on both ie relationships and results, you will achieve what you want, along with sustainability.
2. I am sorry.
Part of being a leader is being human.
Some leaders feel they will lose status, credibility if demonstrating vulnerability, but in fact the opposite is true.
Believe me, in most instances, if you make a “ blunder” your team is going to know it. So if you not owning up it sends messages to team that it is not okay to make mistakes and if you do you should probably cover them and not own up.
Okay-so you need courage to sometimes own up, but truly, the traits of some of the best leaders in the world, are being human, honest, authentic and vulnerable.
3 I believe! Connecting hearts.
I read once that money will get you hands, but hearts will get you’re their minds.
Opening your heart will allow you to connect and engage.
Research demonstrates that you can double a teams productivity by connecting the what to the why.
If you don’t believe the direction of the organization, why would the staff
May nor agree, but you need to respect and trust the leaders and believe they have made decisions with best of intentions.
Exercise before a team meeting.
Why I work for this organization?
Why do I lead this team?
Because I believe in you.
You need to be the Chief Believer.
- Try it.
There are always problems to be solved, but you cant do it all by yourself. But with your team you can.
Make a path to try new ideas.
Of course you hope for positive outcome, and we know that not all bright ideas work, but the strengths and positivity in this situation, is the giving it ago.
The best teams are the ones that take some risks by giving it a try.
- How can I help?
Note the words are not “ can I help?” or “do you need any help?” In fact I would be saying tell me how I can help you.
6 Giving positive feedback
Encourage and motivate by being in the present.
- Teenager shows you a school project they had finished.
- You jump in and give some ideas on how to improve it.
Was that the outcome your child was wanting??
“You have done a fantastic job. Well done”
- Nice
Give sincere appreciation when it is deserved